Does the Baby Bidet™ need to be connected to any plumbing?

No.  The Baby Bidet™ is an entirely self-contained changer that can be moved anywhere there is an outlet to plug the pump and warmer into.

What is the temperature of the water in the reservoir?

The water warmer temperature setting can be adjusted up to 92 degrees.  

How long will the pump last?

The pumps are designed to be continuously submerged and with proper use should last 2-3 years.

Are there any issues with an electrical charge in the water being sprayed?

No.  Water being sprayed does not carry current because there is air between the droplets of water.  The Baby Bidet™ should be plugged into a GFCI outlet which will shut off the pump in approximately 25 - 40 milliseconds if there is ever a short in the pump.  It takes a human about 400 milliseconds to blink.  Think when you plug an appliance into a GFCI outlet in your bathroom or kitchen, turn it on, and nothing happens.  That's what will happen when the Baby Bidet™ is plugged into a properly installed GFCI outlet.

How long will it take from the time my Baby Bidet™ is ordered to ship?

Allow 3 -4 weeks for shipping.  Each changer is hand-made and customized to order.  Shipping time may be a little longer during colder months because the coloring and sealing process takes longer when it's cold.