Nils Taft first created the Baby Bidet™ in early summer 2012. His youngest son Vincent developed a severe reaction to the baby wipes he and his wife were using. Raised welts and raw nerves made each changing a painful experience. After researching wipes online, Nils found that wipes are a synthetic non-woven polymer that can last in landfills for up to 500 years, and they’re covered with bacteria, viruses, and parasites. There had to be a better way. After thinking about it for a while, the Baby Bidet™ was born.
At first he used whatever he had laying around to construct the very first working prototype.
He continued to develop his the changer, adding doors and rearranging the components.
He still had a big problem with the rinse basin, a paint pan just wasn’t going to work. Looking all over for a suitable basin, nothing was both inexpensive and an improvement. Then one day his wife showed him a video of a father thermoforming a toy for his son. Nils decided he was going to make the basin himself. He built a simple vacuum-forming machine and thermoforming plastic; it was inexpensive and durable.
Nils filed a patent and continued to improve his product. In March of 2014 he opened The Baby Bidet Company, L.L.C. and started selling his product to customers.
The first Alba changer